
See us at LACA Main Event

The LACA Main Event is the only national event dedicated to the school food sector and Rieber will be there talking through how we can help schools with all their catering needs… from transporting food from the kitchen to the dining room and safe serving of food, to keeping student’s medication safe in lockable, compartmentalised […]


Rieber’s Thermoport canteen has made it to the finalist stage of The Caterer Supplier Awards 2021. The judging, which took place at Westminster Kingsway College, and at The Caterer’s offices in London, saw food and drink products evaluated by industry chefs and consultants alongside three senior lecturers at the college, and equipment debated and discussed […]

Thermoplates®eco GN pans – Save around 10% energy

Rieber is launching Thermoplates®eco, a range of general-purpose cooking pans from 1/3 GN to 1/1 GN, 65 mm and 100 mm tall, that it says will save caterers 10% energy. German manufacturer Rieber is the world leader in GN pans, a system it invented. The new pans save energy because they conduct heat more efficiently, heating up […]

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