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from Metos for the Proveno 4G combi kettle

DIAGOMIX adds an arm to the Proveno stirrer plus a special lid that together, turns the Proveno 4G into a horizontal mixer when the kettle is tilted on its side. Existing Proveno users now have the option of adding extra versatility to their menus and expanding production into new areas.

Now with a tumbling action as well as stirring, kettle production can expand to include any recipe that needs dry mixing and/or tumbling, such as preparing chicken portions with marinade, making biscuit dough or mixing salads.

Horizontal mixing is ideal for adding small volumes of liquid to a batch of food, such as a marinade or dressing for salad. It is also faster than mixing in a vertical mixer, so two or three mixes can be achieved at the same time compared to one mix in a vertical mixer.

Turns the Proveno 4G into a horizontal mixer

A Metos Combi-Kettle is already described as multi-functional.

These are serious heavy-duty bulk cooking appliances, with capacities from 40-400 litres. Used by large hotels, in-flight caterers, hospitals, restaurant production kitchens and CPUs, they are also popular with food manufacturers and makers of sandwich fillings, jams and chutneys.

Proveno 4G combi kettles are self-stirring but can also whip and mix. Automated recipes ensure they produce consistent results. Used ‘cold’ they can make bread dough or cake mix. Turn on the heat and the kettles boil or simmer, mash potato, par-fry potatoes, make stews and curries, break down minced meat for pies or seal meat joints before roasting in an oven.

Metos Diagomix

Metos Diagomix turns your Proveno kettle into a horizontal mixer. Cold mixing is very popular in many kitchens and applications include marinating meats, mixing of casseroles, salads, fillings and much more.

Further Reading

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