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Dispensing Equipment

For crockery and the Ultra Heat Store Base System

Rieber manufactures a range of dispensing equipment for crockery:

  • Built-in dispensers
  • Plate and bowl dispensers, heated
  • Ultra-base dispensers
  • Universal dispensers, which can take a variety of shapes


Built for ease of use and handling and tough too!

A variety of dispensers are available

Heated plate and bowl dispensers are fitted with special factory-made steel mesh to protect the heating element from any foreign object falling in – such as rubber bands and menu cards – which may present a fire risk and/or alarm the staff and patients. Plate diameters for the plate and bowl dispensers can vary from 190-320 mm and the units will hold approx. 60 plates per tube.

The Universal Crockery Dispenser is made of stainless with adjustable fixing rods, a safety pushing handle, stainless steel castors (2 swivel castors and 2 swivel castors with brakes).

Purpose designed dispensers are also available for Rieber’s Ultra Base heat store system, used to keep meals hot during transport.

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