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Metos HotFill Dos 2 Pump

Automated Hot Fill Pumping and Dosing

Hot Fill Dos-2 ensures quick and precise dispensing of liquid food products. Soups, sauces and mashed potatoes are filled into bags and containers effortlessly. The built-in scale ensures that weighing of the product happens in one and the same workflow saving time in the kitchen.

Hot Fill means the bag-packing of food, that is at least 85°C, tightly into bags which are then quickly cooled down to 3°C. In this way, food will last for a longer time and both the taste and vitamin content are better preserved. The food can either be warmed up in a temperature suitable for the bag or without a bag. The Hot Fill -method is usually used to dispense foods that are liquid or mashed.

Changing the filling process from bags to containers only takes a few moments. Simply remove the bag holder, fit the roller track and the Hot Fill Dos-2 is ready.

Hot-fill pumps guarantee hygienic and safe food dosing

Hot-fill pumping for safety

The Hot Fill Dos-2 makes the work station safer. The machine ensures a proper working position, protecting the operator from straining shoulders and wrists. This reduces inconveniences and prevents injuries.

The Hot Fill Dos-2 is mounted on swivel wheels allowing for the workstation to be moved to the most convenient spot.

Dispensing food with Hot Fill Dos-2 minimizes the risk of scalding since the machine handles the food. Operating the machine is managed via a touch-screen display with a user friendly interface.

Cleaning the Hot Fill Dos-2 is done by the built-in semiautomatic CIP system. All internal pipes, tubes and valves are cleaned. All loose parts are dishwasher safe.


Pumping systems including all needed set up

Dos 2 Classic – for filling containers or GN pans, not bags, by weight. Soups and Sauces or Mashed Potato. Completed with semi-automated cleaning system CIP.

Dos 2 Combi – for filling into containers, GN pans and bags. Soups and Sauces or Mashed Potato. Completed with semi-automated cleaning system CIP.

Dos 2 Advantage – for filling into containers, GN pans and ¬bags. Soups and Sauces, Mashed Potato, Curry, Goulasch, Stew, Jams etc. Completed with semi-automated cleaning system CIP.

Dos 3 Fully automatic – making the bags itself. If you prepare 1000kg of potato and 1000kg of tomato soup daily, this is the right solution for you. Completed with fully automatic cleaning system CIP.

Metos – Hot fill pump sauce mashed potato ENG

Metos cook chill process in action

See the whole hot chill process in action, using kettles, dosing, hot fill pumps and sous vide tanks

Metos Proveno Sous Vide Kettle

NEW Metos Cooking Solutions for Large Production Kitchens Most hot kitchens produce foods with a shelf life of 3-5 days, cook chill extends this to 21+days.