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Regeneration Trolleys

Cook/Chill - Cook/Serve - Cook/Freeze

Bulk regeneration trolleys; single compartment, twin compartment, heated, refrigerated, heated top, heated gantry, digital control, HACCP compliant.

Made of stainless steel with a thermal/lighting bridge, germ guard and gallery on three sides, as well as a removable control on the side.


Bulk food regeneration trolleys

Regeneration Options

  • Hybrid 200, bulk regeneration, single compartment, digital control, compact, mobile and easy to move around, ideal for use where there is limited space or access.
  • Regio-Station, the optimum in food distribution. Transport and serve straight from GN containers.
  • Plated regeneration trolleys; Unitray, twin compartment, split tray, digital control, HACCP compliant, GN or extended GN trays, capacities 16 – 30 trays.
  • DSPRO docking station, for plated regeneration, split tray, wall mounted, back to back free standing, regeneration pod for use with PROSERVE shuttle trolleys. Suitable for cook/chill, cook/serve, cook/freeze, digital control, HACCP compliant, GN or Euronorm tray format. (Read our Focus on Docking Stations Newsletter)
  • Only the shuttle is transported to wards, so the PROSERVE trolleys are light, compact and easy to manoeuvre; no electrical components are being transported.

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