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Rational Production’s Unitray sets new standards of quality and ease of handling.

Unitray provides the best combination of temperature control, ergonomics and health & safety.

Unitray trolleys distribute hot and cold food at the same time on a single tray. A central partition allows the two different environments to be separately controlled.



Although most often used on a 3-phase supply, Unitrays are so well insulated and efficient, they can also operate off a 13-amp supply.

Unitray can be heated and chilled prior to loading, then plugged in again to achieve optimal cabinet temperature before being taken to ward level.

It features forced air circulation to ensure even heat and chill distribution. Designed for C/S (cook & serve), C/C (cook & chill) and C/F (cook & freeze) applications, the new Unitray is 25kg lighter than previous models and is also smaller and easier for staff to handle.

Read a case study HERE

Rational Production – UNITRAY

UNITRAY è il carrello termorefrigerato per distribuzione pasti su vassoio personalizzato di Rational Production.
Maggiori informazioni al link http://www.rationalproduction.com/it/prodotti/unitray.html

UNITRAY is the hot and cold air convection cart for patient tray delivery by Rational Production.
For further info visit http://www.rationalproduction.com/en/prodotti/unitray.html

Unitray Zeroeffort

Unitray, the great classic from Rational Production for meal distribution, enhanced with the new patented assisted handling optional, becomes ZEROEFFORT

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