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ACS Varithek – Air Clean Systems

Allows you to cook anywhere

Rieber’s patent-protected air clean system means that caterers can use Varithek ACS equipment without the need for overhead ventilation. This means you could be ‘theatre’ cooking for events, or in front of your customers in public spaces, small dining rooms or out in front of the main servery.

The patented air-cleaning-system® ACS® extracts unpleasant cooking vapours, grease, unhealthy moisture and odours. The air is drawn off and cleaned of grease and odours as it passes through the filter components.

** AMEREX fire suppression now available for Rieber Varithek ACS front cooking stations, DOWNLOAD brochure here **


Truly mobile cooking

Modules and combinations for all your cooking needs

ACS Varithek models include:

  • ACS 1000ec featuring ‘push and pull’ self ventilation; takes two Varithek cooking modules
  • ACS 1100d3 takes two Varithek cooking modules; also features ozone air clean technology
  • ACS 1500d3 takes three Varithek cooking modules; featuring ‘push and pull’ self ventilation
  • ACS 1600 O3 takes three Varithek cooking modules; works with new plasma air clean technology
  • ACS Varithekbuffet Cooking, serving and holding elements can be combined to make a unique back of house cooking station with its own self-ventilation.

By using the ACS range you can eliminate much of the M&E costs usually associated with installing a conventional cooking range with canopy, or providing a solution where a traditional extraction canopy is not feasible.

Ask us which model Varithek is the popular choice and which model would suit you?

Also ask us about the new Varithek pasta and deep frying cooking modules.


To see the Varithek in action, and to see just how versatile it is to cook on, check out our Recipe page, where you can download recipes and watch our ‘How to’ videos.

Read our Focus on Varithek – Flexible Front Cooking Newsletter

ACS Varithek truly mobile front of house cooking suite

The ACS Varithek can easily be moved almost anywhere, then cook and move again.

K-Pot Mobile cook and serve in style

The Rieber ACS Varithek WOK and K-Pot combination is perfect for you to cook and serve away from the kitchen.

See more here https://www.bglrieber.co.uk/

ACS d3

A mobile ‘theatre front cooking station’ featuring three Varithek cooking modules, multifunctional ovens and the ‘Aircleansystem'

Celebrating 75 years of the NHS with Homerton Hospital

What better way to celebrate 75 years of the NHS than to serve street food to the staff and visitors. A perfect time to use our Thermoport and ACS Varithek.

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