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Food Manufacture

Here are a few of the solutions relevant to Food Manufacturing Operations

Whether your manufacturing operation is large, medium or small, or even on an industrial scale, Metos has a selection of combi kettles that provide menu flexibility and boost your productivity safely and with the utmost hygiene.

The new generation of Combi Kettles provide big savings in labour and energy compared to their predecessors, as they produce everything from soups and stews to sauces, jams and chocolate desserts with consistent quality.



BGL Rieber are experts in understanding the process of cooking food in bulk.

Metos Combi Kettles consistently help manufacturers produce soups, stews, pies, sauces, curries, ready meals, mashed potatoes and many other products.

The combi kettles can cook, mix and cool almost any kind of product, providing a huge range of options for food producers.

  • Thermal insulation cuts heat loss and increases safety.
  • ‘BurnPrevent Control’ ensures food does not overcook, providing top-quality results, cutting wastage and making cleaning easier.
  • Automatic stirring, whipping, mixing and cooling options save labour and ensure more consistent results every time.

We also supply a range of, tilting kettlessteamers and bratt pans including the new Viking MixPan – a bratt pan in a kettle body – with a mixer!

BGL Rieber provides training support from experienced chefs and installation and maintenance using our own trained engineers.


Metos – Thai Chicken Curry made in bulk with a Metos Proveno Kettle

Thai Chicken Curry made in bulk with a Metos Proveno Kettle

Metos – Mashed Potato in a Metos Kettle

Moffat Proveno - Mashed Potato

Metos – Making Bolognaise in a Metos Kettle

Moffat Australia Proveno Combi Kettle- Automated cooking process

Metos – Strawberry Jam made in bulk with a Metos Proveno

The easy of making strawberry jam with a Metos Proveno kettle

Metos – Proveno Pastry Cream

Making Pastry Cream in your Proveno Kettle

Metos Manufacturing Sauce Bolognaise

Making Bolognaise Sauce in a Metos Kettle

Metos Scrambled Eggs in a Combi Kettle

Making Scrambled Eggs in a Combi Kettle

Metos – Viking Combi 4G Washing

Metos Proveno Combi Kettle

Proveno Trailer


°CHECK system allows for the capture of HACCP-data digitally and forwards it to a database, using a smartphone and temperature sensor or installed sensors

Swiss Ply Technology

Metos cook chill process in action

See the whole hot chill process in action, using kettles, dosing, hot fill pumps and sous vide tanks

Metos Viking MixPan

Fry, Mix, Saute, Braise, Stirfry.... The new solution for productive kitchens. Able to combine with other Metos 4G kettles, the MixPan is a mixing brattpan that offers great opportunities for real business advantage. Direct heating up to 250°C with 2 mixing programs and choice of many other key options making it a great universal addition to any large format kitchen.

-NEW-META Cooking

Rieber META cooking stands for sustainable and digitally organised reusable systems.

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