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Food Production

Metos Cooking Solutions for Large Production Kitchens

Everything you need to make your production kitchen run smoothly!

The Benefits of Cook and Chill

Extend the quality and safe storage life of fully prepared foods in order to:

  1. Remove traditional peeks and troughs of conventional cook and serve operations
  2. Provide consistency of product
  3. Improve productivity
  4. Easier transportation
  5. Maximise use of skilled labour


Cook Chill is an efficient way to produce large amount of foods

Most hot kitchens produce foods with a shelf life of 3-5 days, cook chill extends this to 21 and even 40 days, safely!

Cook Chill is not a new technology. It has been around for decades. Its one of the most efficient ways to produce large quantities of food. Because of its chilled state, and long shelf life, chilled food is handled and transported easier.



Extend the shelf life of your food

Cook Chill Process Overview

The process of extended shelf life for liquid and semi liquid foods allows users to make products well in advance of requirement, operating the kitchen as a means of supply to the food bank.

Products can be pumped into bags, those bags are chilled, those bags are then stored for up to a month before use. Ease of production and ease of logistic management is the result of this system.

Key importance is placed on the compatibility of the complete system and the temperature management of the total process.

This system allows the kitchen more menu variety, less staff and better inventory management of the wide range of products they can serve to their customers.



The Metos Cooking Concept


  • Fewer machines
  • Less space
  • Less time
  • Reduced workload
  • Increased production

Click here to see the step through Metos presentation about the Cook Chill Process

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