See us at the HCA Forum in Birmingham – stand M50


METOS Blender Top Kettles

Cook and blend soups or sauces automatically using this labour saving technique developed by Metos for busy kitchens around the world. This system works on all Metos type kettles from 40 -100 L.

Metos cook chill process in action

See the whole hot chill process in action, using kettles, dosing, hot fill pumps and sous vide tanks

Metos Diagomix

Metos Diagomix turns your Proveno kettle into a horizontal mixer. Cold mixing is very popular in many kitchens and applications include marinating meats, mixing of casseroles, salads, fillings and much more.

Metos Kettle Installation

How to install a Metos 300 Ltd cooking kettle

Metos Manufacturing Sauce Bolognaise

Making Bolognaise Sauce in a Metos Kettle

Metos Manufacturing Trailer 2016

Metos Cooking Equipment for Large format kitchens

Metos Proveno Combi Kettle

Proveno Trailer

Metos Proveno Sous Vide Kettle

NEW Metos Cooking Solutions for Large Production Kitchens Most hot kitchens produce foods with a shelf life of 3-5 days, cook chill extends this to 21+days.

Metos School Meals System

Finland was the first country in the world to offer free school meals to students, for the duration of their entire education. Pre-School to University.
School meals service can be transformed with the use of Metos cooking kettles, which can form the heart of the modern school kitchen.

This video shows how the kettles save space and labour while helping to provide nutritious and tasty school food in Finland for 1000 children. Three staff take 3 hours to prepare 1000 meals.

Metos provides School Meals Concepts and Kitchen equipment throughout various markets in Europe.

Metos Scrambled Eggs in a Combi Kettle

Making Scrambled Eggs in a Combi Kettle

Metos Viking MixPan

Fry, Mix, Saute, Braise, Stirfry.... The new solution for productive kitchens. Able to combine with other Metos 4G kettles, the MixPan is a mixing brattpan that offers great opportunities for real business advantage. Direct heating up to 250°C with 2 mixing programs and choice of many other key options making it a great universal addition to any large format kitchen.


Compartmentalized secure refrigeration

Multipolar Connect

Rieber Multipolar lockable, compartmentalised refrigeration, operated by and app. Perfect for hospitals, schools, universities, businesses, prisons... anywhere where food or medicines need to be kept secure.

Multipolar lockable refrigerator

The unique Multipolar - safe and secure, shared refrigeration,
with lockable compartments.
Ideal for students, staff, patients, workers, all communal living areas and anywhere there is a requirement for personal shared
refrigerated storage.


Navioven, the table-top multifunctional oven with different programmes for baking, cooking, braising, regenerating - operation, maintenance and care

NHS 70th celebration with BGL Rieber – followriebear

To celebrate the NHS 70th birthday, BGL Rieber gave out a number of Chef Riebears to hospital catering facilities. This is a brief video of some of the hospitals where the bears are now living.

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