See us at the HCA Forum in Birmingham – stand M50


Proveno 4G combi cooking kettle – How to use video

An instructional video to help use the Proveno combi cooking kettle.

Rational Production – Meal Distribution System Specialists, since 1998.

Dal 1998 Rational Production produce e commercializza sistemi di distribuzione pasti, sia per vassoio personalizzato che per multiporzione.

Rational Production – UNITRAY

UNITRAY è il carrello termorefrigerato per distribuzione pasti su vassoio personalizzato di Rational Production.
Maggiori informazioni al link

UNITRAY is the hot and cold air convection cart for patient tray delivery by Rational Production.
For further info visit

Swiss Ply Technology


Thermoport, the very best in food transport. Keeps food a tasty as when it was originally cooked, hot or cold.

Thermoport 10

Food transport for single portions.

Thermoport 10 Product information bulletin

See a brief review of the Rieber Thermoport 10, ideal for transporting individual meals.

Thermoport 21 meal tray

A hygienic, insulated meal tray perfect for isolation.

Thermoport 50 food transport container

Keeps food hot or cold for up to 4 hour. Dishwasher safe so ideal for infection control.

Thermoport food transport – stainless steel

For transporting and serving meals, hot and cold. For highest meal quality. Inside volume ranging from 26 to 130 litres. Stainless steel is used both inside and out which not only guarantees excellent insulation, but also ensures highest possible quality and compliance with the most stringent hygiene requirements.

Thermoport Midi-K food transport

The Rieber Thermoport Midi-K allows you to transport food, either cold or hot (up to 85 deg C), or both. With heavy duty castors it is ideal for transporting meals all over rough ground.

Unitray Zeroeffort

Unitray, the great classic from Rational Production for meal distribution, enhanced with the new patented assisted handling optional, becomes ZEROEFFORT

Varithek Airclean

Varithek Airclean, cook anywhere, no odours

Varithek Rieber

The most flexible way of cooking. Modules for every menu.

Watersation round

Why Amerex is installed on the ACS Varithek

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